WIMSIG Conference 2024

SMRI, 1 - 2 October 2024

Code of Conduct for WIMSIG2024

All participants of WIMSIG Conference 2024 will be expected to abide by the Australian Mathematical Society's Code of Conduct (the link takes you to the AustMS Code of Conduct page where you can read the full details: some are reproduced below). 

WIMSIG Conference 2024 organisers will take seriously all reports of breaches of this Code of Conduct, and treat all parties with respect and due process. Complaints will be handled with sensitivity, discretion and confidentiality. If a conference participant engages in harassing behaviour, they may be asked by the conference organisers to leave the conference. Any event participant who experiences or witnesses harassment should contact one of the following Code of Conduct representatives:

  • Catherine Greenhill
  • Catherine Penington
Catherine Greenhill
Catherine Penington

Unacceptable Behaviour

Disrespectful, disruptive, violent, abusive, harassing or intimidating conduct, and sexist, racist or exclusionary comments or jokes all constitute unacceptable behaviour. Harassment includes, but is not limited to speech or behaviour (whether in person, in presentations, online, or in any AustMS publications) that intimidates, creates discomfort, prevents or interferes with a person’s participation or opportunity for participation in AustMS events. Examples include:

  • sustained disruption of talks or other events;
  • verbal comments that reinforce social structures of domination;
  • inappropriate physical contact, sexual attention or innuendo;
  • sexual images in public spaces;
  • deliberate intimidation or stalking; and
  • inappropriate photography;
  • recording of an individual against their wish.

Exclusionary behaviour includes, but is not limited to, offensive comments related to gender and/or gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion. Advocating for or encouraging any of the above also constitutes unacceptable behaviour.

Standards of Conduct

Members of the AustMS, and participants in AustMS-sponsored events will:

  1. encourage and support fellow members in their professional development and, where possible, provide opportunities for the development of new entrants to the society;
  2. be kind to others. Act with integrity, courtesy and respect towards fellow AustMS members and mathematical scientists, and towards members of other professions and the broader community;
  3. uphold and promote ethical scientific and mathematical conduct and practice, and be part of and foster a culture of respect, dignity and mutual support;
  4. make every reasonable effort to uphold equal opportunity for all AustMS members;
  5. support opportunities for members of underrepresented groups to enter and advance in the profession;
  6. strive to ensure that participant interactions are respectful, fair, and free of discrimination and harassment;
  7. ensure that this Code is upheld by others, for example by reporting, and where possible intervening in, cases of bullying, discrimination, harassment or inappropriate language;
  8. comply with all applicable laws and professional rules, and all AustMS codes, rules, and policies, and abide by the AustMS Code of Conduct Procedures in the event of a conduct review.

Members of the AustMS, and participants in AustMS-sponsored events will not:

  1. engage in, encourage, or condone, unacceptable behaviour, or allow it to transpire without seeking to report it, or intervening where possible;
  2. knowingly or carelessly act in a manner that negatively impacts the professional integrity or equal opportunity of others;
  3. knowingly or carelessly act in a manner that endangers the safety or security of others;
  4. distribute or disseminate contents of presentations, posters or imagery of others without their consent — requests from attendees at AustMS events not to be photographed or videoed must be respected;
  5. retaliate against anyone because of their contribution to or participation in a conduct review, or seek to influence the course of a conduct review, for example through intimidating language or behaviour.